When a player draws a card, they must follow the action/rules associated with that card. It’s time to learn the rules – for in the realm of Kings, rules are everything! The Rules For The Kings Drinking GameĮach card has a specific action tied to it. Spread the cards face down in a circle around a large cup, which will be known as the ‘King’s Cup.’ Make sure the drinks are accessible to all players. Drinks of your choice - beer, wine, or cocktails, as long as they flow like the River Nile.A large table with ample room for the cards and your choice of libations.A standard deck of cards with Jokers removed.You’ll need a few simple items to set the stage for your royal tournament: Read on, dear knights and maidens, to learn the ins and outs of this majestic pursuit.
This high-stakes game of chance, wit, and skill is sure to entertain your taste buds and keep everyone laughing until the kingdom falls. Gather your fellow subjects and prepare to enter the Court of Kings, the drinking game that unites friends (and sometimes foes) over a deck of cards and a few cold beverages.